Advantages and disadvantages of word processor
• Grammar, spell checking and word count option
- word processor provide this type of services .When the dictionary recognizes a word as misspelled, the word will underlined with red line and green line if grammatically errors. We can choose alternate spelling by clicking the flagged word. Then by using word processor, we no need to count the word one by one because there are word counts provided in the word processor. Word counting can be easily found under the tools option and we no need waste our times by counting it manually.
• It is easy to share and store word processing files electronically. It allows us to makes change to our document. We can move, change, delete, save and format all our ideas in one handy file.
• Requires a computer/laptop includes the electrical power to write.
• Data can be lost by computer malfunction (computer malware such as worm, virus etc.)
• Symbols and equations are easier to write then create on a computer.
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*História dos LCD´S*
A primeira demonstração prática de um ecrã LCD aconteceu em 1968, pela mão
de George Heilmeier num ecrã baseado na tecnologia DSM( dyn...
11 years ago
Very preliminary> hope you can find more articles about computer assisted writing and write about them. Happy blogging
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